The Real Reason Things Aren’t Getting Done (and It’s Not What You Think)
When I sit down with an estate team at a multi-academy trust (or a large independent school), a common theme emerges. It …
Primary Schools: A Different Approach to Premises Management
I recently attended my daughter’s primary school for her violin choir show. It was one of those events where parents, gr …
Tired Estate Teams and Endless To-Do Lists? Software Can Help
In schools and trusts, estate teams often face an uphill battle. The to-do lists are endless, and there's never enough t …
Balancing Compliance and Budgets
I recently had a heartfelt conversation with a school's business manager who shared a struggle that resonated deeply wit …
How to [Easily] Switch Compliance or Premises Management Platforms
When I receive an enquiry about how Statlog works, one question almost always pops up early in the conversation: “How ea …
It’s All About the ‘Big Picture’
Managing educational estates in the UK is a complex task that requires a strategic approach to ensure everything runs sm …
Capital Programme Manager: Make Every Pound Count
I was visiting a prospect this week, and we were talking about the challenges of managing a capital programme on a sprea …
How to Tackle Scope Creep at Your School
Managing the estates of an educational establishment is no small feat. Imagine planning a grand event where every stakeh …
How a Premises Management Solution Should Support You
Imagine having visibility into all your building conditions, projects, and compliance levels across your estate with jus …
From Boilers to Busted lab equipment: How PPM Can Transform Your School
Let's be honest – schools have a lot on their plates. From educating students to managing budgets, there's always someth …