The only system that fully understands and facilitates what is needed at each and every step when managing your educational premises
Why Statlog?
Schools, Trusts, LAs and Dioceses need help with premises management in order to understand what they need to do to:
- remain safe and operational
- gain adequate oversight of need and required resources
- prove (to many disparate stakeholders) that they are safe, legal and targeting the right priorities
The need is very specific, highly complex and only fully understood by a very small number of people working within the education property sector.

The system is built around the complex interactions, rules and idiosyncrasies required for premises management within the educational sector.
We have the only system that fully understands and facilitates what is needed at each and every step.

Guiding principles
We are pragmatic empathetic people who understand disparate needs of the people we work with and as a result provide much valued clear, practical, pragmatic advice.
We bring our extensive knowledge of educational premises management, but make sure our software is designed from the point of view of each distinct user. As a result, users do not need specialist knowledge to use the system.

Our story
The Statlog team brings extensive experience in supporting schools and their Dioceses, LAs, Trusts and the DfE with:
- strategic, operational, and local premises / facilities management
- development advice
- design and project management
- strategic funding management
- bidding for funding from central government
- assessing need
- managing capital programmes
Statlog began with a realisation that there was nothing on the market that really helped schools economically and efficiently implement the required statutory testing regimes. We had first hand experience in training Site Managers on statutory testing, then sending them back to their schools with reams of paperwork to be completed daily with very little likelihood of this being done properly. We looked for an existing software solution to help, but could not find anything suitable. Thus, Statlog was born.
Quickly, other modules began to evolve to deal with clear needs like Specialist Contractor Statutory Testing, PPM and Safe Contractor Selection. Then came Capital Programme Manager, Survey Tool, Project Manager in response to a specific need from Schools, Dioceses, LAs, and Academy Trusts who need to really know their estates, allocate funding to the highest priorities and prove to the DfE that their estates are being managed with the best use of public funding.
The system is being constantly developed as all stakeholders learn what they need to do, what the system can currently do and what the potential might be.