Diocese of Westminster Education Service

Statlog Advances Estate Management for All Schools Within the Archdiocese of Westminster

The deployment of the Statlog system marked the advent of a unified approach, simplifying communications and enabling a centralised, coordinated system essential for optimal capital funding allocation and estate management.

“We can now prioritise and strategically allocate funding in a way we couldn’t have hoped to do before”
Nigel Spears

Assistant Director for Capital Strategy, Diocese of Westminster Education Service

Thomas's London Day Schools

Statlog Simplifies Processes and Estate Management for Thomas's London Day Schools

Statlog has proved invaluable for Thomas's London Day Schools, providing the right tools to manage processes effectively across their growing network of schools. This digital transformation empowers them to continue expanding while maintaining the high standards that are synonymous with their name.

“With so much going on day-to-day, we needed a solution that, when we're inspected and I'm asked for information, I can easily just go - here it is."
Justin Aitken

Group Health & Safety Manager, Thomas's London Day Schools

St Fisher Catholic Primary School

Statlog - A Site Manager Perspective

Statlog has greatly streamlined the site manager's daily tasks and assists the Diocese in understanding the needs of the schools.

"The Statlog Helpdesk is excellent. They are very prompt with responses to any questions I have."
Thomas Dunne

Site Manager, St John Fisher Catholic Primary School

West Lea School

Statlog Easing the Burden of Estates Management for West Lea School

Before Statlog, West Lea used spreadsheets and other manual processes in order to stay compliant and understand daily tasks.

"Statlog has definitely improved our efficiency. It has freed up the site manager to focus on other important tasks."
Jayne Fagg

Operations Manager, West Lea School