Statlog News & Insights

Setting Net Zero Goals in Your Trust

Many schools are taking a stand for the environment, and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) are leading the way by setting net zero goals. Reaching net zero might seem tricky due to tight budgets, but a loose roadmap is better than no roadmap. So, how do you get started?

Step 1: Start with Collaboration

First things first, collaboration is key! Work with your schools to set clear, long-term goals for heading towards net zero. Set a goal for around 2050 and note milestones along the way. Conduct a comprehensive environmental audit at each school to get a clear picture of energy use, waste management, and overall environmental impact, highlighting areas that need the most attention.

Step 2: Prioritise High-Impact Projects

With the audit results in hand, it's time to brainstorm. Work with each school to identify projects that will have the biggest impact. Think outside the box! Could you partner with a local solar panel company and do some type of fundraising activity together? Perhaps let them advertise in a school newsletter, and once they’ve achieved an agreed number of new business from the parents, the school receives heavily discounted insulation.

Step 3: Foster a Green Culture

Going green is also about creating a culture of environmental awareness within your schools. Empower students to take charge! Encourage them to lead initiatives like recycling programmes, energy conservation projects, or even greening the school playground.

Step 4: Utilise Technology

Technology can be a real game-changer in your net zero journey. Look into a comprehensive strategic survey and project management tool linked to a capital programme manager, like Statlog's premises management solution. This can help you create and manage funding programmes and keep an eye on those projects that contribute towards net zero goals.

Remember, getting started on the path to net zero is a marathon, not a sprint. Every step you take, big or small, gets you closer to a greener future. By working together, schools and MATs can become leaders in sustainability, inspiring not just their students but the entire community!


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