Statlog News & Insights

Proactive Premises Management

A recent NAHT survey revealed that many schools in the UK are facing challenges related to building repairs and maintenance.
The survey found that a third of schools need to raise funding for building conditions through external sources.

While reactive repairs are essential to address immediate issues, a proactive approach to premises management can offer long-term benefits for schools and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs).


The Importance of Proactive Management

Proactive management involves taking steps to identify and address potential problems before they escalate into major repairs. This involves identifying minor issues early on, allowing for timely interventions and preventing them from becoming larger, more expensive problems later.

The best way to do this is by scheduling routine maintenance for equipment and infrastructure. This helps extend their lifespan and reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns. However, busy site teams sometimes struggle to find the time for this.

This is where premises management software can help, especially the solutions that can compile data on building conditions as well as compliance levels through automated reporting. This allows for informed decision-making about repairs, replacements, and long-term planning.


Benefits of a Proactive Approach

  • Reduced Costs: Proactive maintenance is often less expensive than reactive repairs. By addressing minor issues early on, schools can avoid the need for costly emergency repairs and replacements.

  • Improved Learning Environment: A well-maintained school environment provides a safe and comfortable space for students and staff. Consistent attention to repairs creates a more positive learning atmosphere.

  • Enhanced Resource Allocation: Schools can more effectively allocate resources for repairs and upgrades when they have a comprehensive understanding of their facilities' needs.


Statlog offers the first complete premises management solution for planning and implementing full capital programmes. This provides complete visibility into building conditions and compliance levels through automated reporting – particularly useful for MATs managing multiple sites, as it enables centralised data collection, reporting, and resource allocation.


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